State ID GOP Central Committee
-Reorganization happens at the State Convention during the June meeting following the Primary Election every other year.
-State Central Committee meets twice a year.
-Made up of Delegates, State Party Officers (voted up on by Delegates), and Executive Board
Officers: Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, Executive Director, State Committee Woman, State Committeeman, Secretary, Treasurer, Finance Chair
-Executive Board also consists of Region Chairs, President of the Federation of Republican Women, President of the Federation of College Republicans, Chair of Young Republicans
-Operate according to State Party Rules and State Statute. State Party Rules are subordinate to State Statute.
-Officers are voted on every 2 years after the Primary Election, usually in June on even-numbered years by Delegates*
*Delegates are voted on during each County’s Reorganization Meeting following the Primary, by each County’s Central Committee. Each Legislative District and County are allotted a certain number of Delegates to send to the State Convention.
Regional Central Committees
-Officers made up of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary
-Reorganization Meeting: Occurs within 15 days after voting for County officers
-Regional Central Committees meet twice a year
-Voting members consist of County Chairs, Legislative District Chairs, State Committeemen within the Region, State Committeewomen within the Region, and Youth Chairs within the Region
-Region Central Committee operates under State Rules, State Statute, and Roberts Rules of Order
There are 7 Regional Central Committees in Idaho
Each Region has between 1–9 County Central Committees
Region 1: Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Benewah, Shoshone Counties
Region 2: Latah, Nez Perce, Lewis, Clearwater, Idaho Counties
Region 3: Valley, Adams, Washington, Payette, Canyon, Gem, Elmore, Owyhee, Boise Counties
Region 4: Ada County
Region 5: Gooding, Jerome, Minidoka, Lincoln, Cassia, Twin Falls, Camas, Blaine Counties
Region 6: Bannock, Power, Oneida, Caribou, Bear Lake, Bingham, Franklin Counties
Region 7: Bonneville, Butte, Madison, Jefferson, Fremont, Clark, Custer, Lemhi, Teton Counties
County Central Committees
-County Officers are the Chair, Vice Chair, State Committeewoman, State Committeeman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Youth Chair. On the Executive Board are also the Legislative District Chairs
-Voting Members are Precinct Committeemen, County Officers and Legislative District Chairs.
-Precinct Committeemen are the only people in the State Party Structure who are directly accountable to voters
-Precinct Committeemen vote for County officers within their County Central Committee, Delegates to the State Convention, and Legislative District officers within the District which they reside.
-Precinct Committeemen are a part of both the County Central Committee and their Legislative District Central Committee.
*The Chair, Vice Chair, State Committeewoman, State Committeeman, and Youth Chair are automatic Delegates to the State Convention
-County Central Committees all have their own Bylaws that they operate under. Subordinate to their Bylaws are their Standing Rules, should their be any. Canyon County has both Bylaws and Standing Rules, which can be found here doc00333620200228104303.pdf (myftpupload.com)*.
*Canyon County Republican Central Committee recently changed their bylaws. The changes have not been uploaded to the State GOP site as of August 12, 2021.
Legislative District Central Committees
-Legislative District Officers are Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary
-Each Legislative District has its own number of Delegates to the State Convention
-Legislative Districts operate independently of the County Central Committees, but share Precinct Committeemen, which account for the majority of their voting members.
-Each Legislative District has its own set of Bylaws https://www.idgop.org/bylaws/ which are subject to the County Bylaws, State Party Rules, and State Statute.
**Precinct Committeemen are voting members of both the Legislative District Central Committee and the County Central Committee in which they reside.
Precinct Committeemen are the only Party Members within the structure of the State GOP who are directly elected by registered voters of their party.
None of the officers at any level must be an elected Precinct Committeemen. Precinct Committeemen elect officers at the County and Legislative District levels, as well as Delegates to the State Convention. The officers whom they elected do not necessarily need to be Precinct Committeemen, and are not directly accountable to registered voters. These officers, however, can have a tremendous impact on the inner workings of the Republican Party in Idaho. Precinct Committeemen have strategic value in both larger scale politics in Idaho, as well as helping candidates who truly reflect the voters get elected to higher offices.